

1:1 Executive Coaching

This is always a unique experience that takes on a life if its own. We will start with an objective that you want to focus on and then allow the conversation to go where it REALLY wants to go.

This is all about YOU and identifying where you feel your professional path is aligned with your authentic self and what feels true to you now.

If you took a step back and really looked at yourself, what do you see? Does it match the perception that you have of yourself?

Does your work give give you a personal fulfillment?

How do you want to be perceived by others? As a leader, a communicator, and team member, as a human being?

I work with leaders and creative change makers to identify what inspires and moves you the most. I help guide you to a place within yourself where you find the clarity you’ve been looking for and make the choices that lead to a purposeful life.

The real question to ask yourself is what feels the most MEANINGFUL to you now?

Are you willing to follow what that is and own who you are and how you would like to impact and effect in your life’s work, your personal journey and the community and world you live in?

This is where you meet your TRUE SELF. Let go!


Communicate To Connect

Your ability to talk to people and create a connection is the differentiator that opens doors!

Your communication skills are directly connected to your success and how you influence others.

This is a fun and highly interactive program that raises awareness around the key skills in public speaking that will help you connect to your listeners with confidence, credibility and presence.

In this workshop, you will:

  • Practice key delivery skills in public speaking: posture, eye contact, the pause, facial expressions and body language.

  • Connect with your intention

  • Work with the strength of your voice

  • Own the room (or virtual space)

This workshop will help you become a more effective communicator and get your message across in an authentic and natural way.

We will record all exercises on cell phones.

Contact me for more details!!!


Keynote Speaking

You set the tone. You inspire and unify your audience with a common purpose. You believe in the message you bring. The audience is rooting for you and they want to hear the valuable information you have to offer them.

I will help you:

  • Identify the passion and connection in your content

  • Focus on your story not your lines

  • Find your style and personality

  • Build a knowing path around your own material



Listen Relate and Realign… A Path To Purpose

I developed this program for students to embrace and celebrate their authenticity - for themselves and each other. I am inviting them to listen to one another and support each other's thought process. I believe when an individual feels seen, heard and related to, they feel empowered to make bold and meaningful choices in their lives which can impact how they see their community.

The fact is:

●  Research has shown that the majority of students (more than 60 percent) struggle with at least one mental or emotional challenge - a nearly 50 percent increase since 2013. ~ National Education Association

●  Only 25% of students with a mental or emotional challenge seek help. ~ The Clay Center for Young Minds

●  Group discussions help students actively engage with their peers and develop critical thinking skills, improve communication skills, increase self-confidence and build teamwork. ~ Harvard University